About Volleyball Canada

December 2, 2011

Women's National Team Athlete Blog - Marie-Pier Murray-Methot

Marie-Pier Murray-Methot is currently in Switzerland playing professional volleyball for the first time. She was on the Senior A Women's roster for the first time this season and was on the B National team in 2009 & 2010. Follow her blog here: http://mpmmvolleyballvoyage.blogspot.com/ as she lives and plays in Switzerland!

November 14, 2011

Women's National Team Athlete Blog - Nadine Alphonse

Nadine Alphonse has been playing for Team Canada since 2006. She is currently playing professionally for the first time in Switzerland.

Please visit her personal blog here:

October 13, 2011

Louis-Pierre Mainville blogging from the Pan Am Games preparation week

Post taken from the FTC at Pan Am Games blog. View full blog at http://teamcanadaftc.blogspot.com/

The first practice of a trip is always the hardest one. You haven’t slept for almost 2 days, you have been sitting in a plane or a bus for a total of 16 hours. When you are not sitting in a plane or a bus, you are sitting in an airport or walking around trying to find something good and cheap to eat. There isn’t anything good so you get a 15$ sandwich with fries. You get to your room and you can’t sleep because you practice soon and you need to be able to sleep at night. You’re all dehydrated from not drinking enough water during the trip and your feet are swollen. All you want is to shower but you need to put on your black practice shirt and head over to the gym. It is 30 degrees in there and the humidity level is sky high. Doesn’t matter, you are a pro and you need to practice…sorry, you need to practice well!

This is pretty much the conditions in which the team showed up at the practice gym of the Brazilian national training center early tonight. But you know what, we could have been wearing green and yellow and no one would have known we were just coming off the bus. Ok, the legs were done by the end of the first hitting drill and guys were looking for air in this thick humidity but what matters is not the physical shape during a first practice, it’s the focus and the attitude. 

Practice was set to start at 18h30 and we had a snack prior to that. I sat down to eat my delicious single-slice-of-ham sandwich and worked slowly on a piece of pineapple knowing that I had all the time in the world to get to the gym and get my shows on. I was not even done that all the guys were getting up and starting to walk towards the gym located 115 meters away. I tried to tell them they had time but they didn’t care, they wanted to get to the gym. At 18h25, I had my shoes on and was warming up my shoulder with an elastic band just beside the court. All the guys suddenly gathered around Vince and I waiting for the 1-2-Canada that starts it all. 

“Guys, take your time, you can still play a little bit of short court, we’ve got 5 more minutes” (that was me trying to get more time to warm up my shoulder) They went back to hitting some balls, peppering or passing some balls against the wall…they were just craving some volleyball.

This is the attitude I’m talking about: everyone showing up to practice early and wanting to get on the court. Practice started and everyone was sharp (except for my team at volley-tennis that got destroyed 15-6). The guys all had heavy legs but they went at it as if they were coming back from a couple of days off. I don’t know if it’s the Brazilian spirit of volleyball wandering inside the walls of that gym, something they put in the food or simply the dulce de leche, but this group of young players really impressed me tonight. For most of them, it is their first big trip and they are preparing to play the best team they have ever played but they looked like they had done it all their life.

It’s been just over 4 months since I got surgery on my knee for an ACL repair and I am eager to play some games. My teammates have been practicing twice a day for 4 weeks and they look even hungrier than I am. They inspire me and I am really proud to be part of that group of determined athletes. Keep following us through that trip because some great things are going to happen.

Keep it up boys and see you at breakfast in the morning!


March 25, 2011

Women's National Team Athlete Blog - Tonya Mokelki

As they would say here in German: Hallo und guten Tag!
I am currently living in the town of Sinsheim, Germany and let me begin by saying that it is a pretty small town but at the same time… still bigger than where I come from :) I am fortunate enough to have a fellow Team Canada teammate (Marisa Field) on my team and of course we are roomies and spend basically 24 hours a day together so we have lots of great bonding experiences and road trips. I am sure that Reece has written a blog or two so I will try not to repeat everything she said :)
So far Germany is a great country to live in. Sinsheim is in the south-west part and luckily for me, the majority of the people here speak english, with the exception of the places where you actually need to communicate with people; like at the bank, or the much needed tanning salon hahaha. Whenever we get a chance we take off in our little Corsa and hit the autobahn! I do most of the driving, which is okay because I LOVE to drive fast and it just so happens that for most of the part, you can drive as fast as you want here :) I absolutely love it. Speaking of driving fast… so we have this German family, the Reinhard's whom have basically taken us in as their long lost daughters, and it just so happens that they have a ferrari. I have yet to take it out on the autobahn but Marisa got to cruise around town in it so she was super excited about that!
In December we made a quick overnight road trip to Amsterdam to meet up with some fellow Canadian volleyball players and had a great time. I only wish I could have spent more than 12 hours there :) After that we went galavanting off to Paris for Christmas. This was also a fairly quick trip due to us only getting 2.5 days off. We also got to spend a little time in Berlin which was awesome. Somehow though I managed to get my foot stomped on and anyone that knows us Team Canada ladies know that we like to dress to the nine when we go out… this being said of course I was in 3 inch heels. Needless to say heels and foot stomping do not go hand in hand. The next morning my foot was black and blue and swollen like a balloon! Thankfully nothing too serious was wrong and I was able to practice on it 3 days later. Our latest road trip was to Prague! Oh how I love Prague and cannot wait to go back again. There are so many amazing things to see and so much history there. To me though the best part of this trip was the girls! It was so great to be able to travel and see this amazing place with friends and Team Canada team mates; Marisa and Julie Young. A few others also joined us so by Sunday there was a total of 7 of us causing a ruckus in the Czech Republic.

I am really enjoying my experience over here but I also miss my family and friends. I will definitely be ready to come home in May, have a couple days off to spend with my family and then start up again with Team Canada :)

Tonya Mokelki

February 28, 2011

Blogue de la Slovenie, par Vincent Pichette, entraîneur-adjoint de l'équipe nationale masculine

Mercredi 16 février 2011 – Ottawa-Izmir, Turquie & 1er match vs MEF

Je quitte aujourd’hui pour Izmir en Turquie pour aller passer, comme l’an dernier,  un peu de temps avec Glenn et voir quelques-uns de nos joueurs à l’œuvre dans leurs équipes professionnelles. Je passerai une dizaine de jours en Turquie ou j’aurai la chance d’assister à quatre matchs et de suivre l’équipe de Glenn (Arkas Sport) en Coupe européenne (3e championnat européen en importance) durant cette période.
L’expérience de l’an passée avait été extrêmement enrichissante et j’ai hâte de voir comment ça se passe en Turquie. Je retrouverai Glenn et son adjoint Tilen Kozamernik qui était également son adjoint à Bled l’an dernier. Tilen est aussi l’entraîneur-chef de l’équipe nationale féminine senior de la Slovénie. Leur saison se déroule bien jusqu’à date. Arkas est au 2e rang du Championnat turc et vient de se qualifier pour les demies-finales de la Coupe européenne.

Après une escale à Montréal et à Munich, j’arrive à Izmir vers 15h30. Il y a sept heures de décalage entre Ottawa et la Turquie. Levent, le chauffeur attitré du Club, m’accueille à l’aéroport et me conduit à la salle de sport ou Arkas joue un contre l’équipe de MEF en championnat turc cet après-midi. L’horaire de match habituel a du être changé à cause des prochains matchs de la Coupe européenne. Le match débutait à 15h30. J’arrive en milieu de partie. Arkas mène déjà 1-0 et remporte le 2e assez aisément. Le match se termine 3-0 après un 3e set plutôt rapide !

Je fais connaissance avec quelques personnes du Club après le match et nous rentrons chez Glenn pour le souper. Glenn et Tilen demeurent dans des tours à condos à environ vingt minutes de voiture de la salle qui est située au centre-ville. Après une longue journée de voyage, l’heure du sommeil sonne un peu plus tôt !
À demain !

Jeudi 17 février 2011 – Izmir – Centre d’entraînement d’Arkas

L’équipe a un court entrainement matinal aujourd’hui en salle de musculation et en réception de service. L’équipe d’Arkas s’entraîne dans un centre conçu spécifiquement pour eux et le volley avec deux petits gymnases, salle d’entraînement, d’équipes, bureau du personnel au 2e étage, etc.

Arkas est le nom de la compagnie (de son propriétaire-fondateur) qui commandite le Club de volleyball d’Izmir. Arkas œuvre dans le secteur du transport maritime, routier, aérien et ferroviaire. Elle regroupe aujourd’hui une cinquantaine de compagnies et emploie plus de 5600 personnes. Izmir (ou Smyrne officiellement en français) est située sur la mer Égée, à l’est de la Grèce, près du Golfe d’Izmir. Izmir est la 3e ville en importance en Turquie (plus de 3,3 millions d’habitants) après Ankara (4 millions) et Istanbul (près de 13 millions) bien sûr, la capitale, et est le deuxième plus grand port maritime après Istanbul.

En plus d’être l’entraîneur-chef de l’équipe de première division, Glenn est le ‘’directeur technique’’ du Club. Ceci signifie qu’il supervise la formation des joueurs (environ 700 joueurs) et surtout de tous les entraineurs (une quinzaine) du Club. Réunions hebdomadaires avec tous les entraineurs, conception des programmes d’entraînement technique et physique, tout est évalué, conçu, et minutieusement planifié.

Après l’entraînement, Glenn, Tilen et certains autres membres du personnel suivent également leur propre programme d’entraînement physique ou de mise en forme ! J’y passe moi aussi ce matin ! La séance est menée par Nurdjan, une autre préparateur physique que Glenn et Tilen sont en train de former. Routine de pilâtes (circuit d’abdos) qui dure plus de trente minutes ! Croyez-moi, elle a compris les concepts et dirige la séance de main de maître en dictant le tempo, nous corrigeant et surtout en faisant les exercices sans trop avoir l’air de forcer. Pour nous, c’est un peu différent ! Ça passe le ‘’jet lag’’ ! Avertissement à ceux qui rendront visite à Glenn plus tard cette saison !!

P’tit tour à l’épicerie avant de rentrer et c’est le retour à la maison.

Vendredi 18 février 2011 – Izmir – Centre d’entraînement d’Arkas

Nous nous rendons au bureau ce matin pour travailler et suivre une autre séance d’entraînement (Yé !) avec Nurdjan surnommée humoristiquement bien sûr, maintenant ‘’la terrible’’.  Elle doit mesurer environ 5’4’’ ! Glenn s’en sauve, il doit finir de préparer la présentation qu’il donnera aux dirigeants d’Arkas demain avant son match dans le cadre d’un weekend de revue financière de l’entreprise. Aujourd’hui, ce n’est pas un mais deux circuits d’entraînement style cardio de huit exercices que seuls Tilen et moi (et elle bien sûr, elle ne suera même pas !) faisons... 5 fois ! Le ‘’jet lag’’ est passé !

Nous nous rendons ensuite à 15h à la salle de match pour un meeting ou Glenn présente le plan de match du lendemain à l’équipe suivi d’un entrainement d’une heure trente principalement constitué de situations de collectif. L’équipe adverse, Maliye Milli Piyango (compagnie de loterie), s’entraîne après celle d’Arkas. Deux de nos joueurs canadiens évoluent au sein de cette équipe, Josh Howatson (passeur) et Steve Gotch (attaquant). Tous les deux était du programme de l’équipe senior l’été dernier.

C’est toujours plaisant de revoir nos athlètes et de les voir durant la saison. Petit brin de jasette entre les deux entrainements et puis on rentre pour le souper. Glenn s’avance déjà dans la préparation de son match en Ligue européenne qui aura lieu mardi prochain. Analyse vidéo et statistique suivi de l’établissement du plan de match qui sera traduit en Italien et en turc bien sûr par Murat, un autre membre du Club qui s’occupe de la saisie statistique et vidéo avec Data Volley.

Samedi 19 février 2011 – 2e Match vs Maliye Milli Piyango

Le match étant à 17h aujourd’hui, il n’y aura pas d’entraînement matinal. Glenn quitte en fin d’avant-midi pour aller donner sa présentation. Je termine les statistiques du match de mercredi et Tilen et moi nous rendons au match vers 15h30.
Arkas l’emporte assez aisément 3-0 (25-19, 25-16, 25-23). Nos deux joueurs canadiens connaissent un match un peu difficile. On leur souhaite une bonne fin de saison et nous les retrouverons au début mai au camp de sélection.

Demain, ce sera congé pour tous. Nous avons prévu une visite du site historique d’Éphèse, une des plus importantes cités grecques antiques d’Asie mineure située environ heure de route d’Izmir.

Lundi 21 février 2011

Nous quittons ce matin (6h30 !) pour l’Autriche ou Izmir jouera le match aller de la demie finale de la Coupe Européenne contre AICH-DOB. En fait, le match se déroulera dans la ville de Prevalje, en Slovénie tout près de la frontière autrichienne. C’est un peu un retour à la maison pour Tilen qui est slovène et pour Glenn un peu aussi (!).

Après une escale à Munich, nous arrivons à l’aéroport de Klagenfurt en Autriche. Nous faisons environ quarante-cinq minutes de route en autobus pour arriver à Prevalje (prononcé Pré-valié) en Slovénie. En fin d’après-midi, Glenn présente le plan de match du lendemain à l’équipe et nous quittons ensuite pour l’entraînement. L’équipe s’entraîne une heure trente puis retourne à l’hôtel pour le souper.

Nous avons eu la chance de recevoir, ce soir, la visite de deux autres de nos joueurs canadiens évoluant à Bled en Slovénie, Adam Simac et Dan Lewis, ainsi que deux de leurs coéquipiers, le capitaine Andrej Flajs et Vid Jakopin qui ont fait un peu de route pour venir voir Glenn et Tilen. On fait un peu de rattrapage ! Bled a subit l’élimination en 2e ronde de la Ligue des Champions face à la puissante équipe Russe de Kazan (Lloyl Ball, Reid Priddy, etc.) en janvier et entame le dernier droit de sa saison en championnat slovène et en ligue MEVZA (Middle European Volleyball Zonal Association).

Tout le monde se porte bien. Nous aurons l’occasion de les suivre durant ce dernier droit et de les revoir en mai pour le camp de sélection. Journée importante demain alors c’est le temps d’aller se coucher !

Mardi 22 février 2011 – Match de Coupe d’Europe – ARKAS vs AICH DOB

L’équipe s’entraine à la salle de match matin pendant une petite heure comme à l’habitude le jour des matchs de Coupe européenne à la salle de match. C’est une salle relativement petite avec un plafond bas. L’équipe travaille principalement au service et en réception pour prendre ses repères.

L’équipe quitte en fin d’après-midi pour le match. AICH-DOB est une équipe, selon ce que nous avons pu voir, qui est moins physique que l’équipe russe qu’Arkas avait affrontée lors de la ronde précédente mais qui compte sur plusieurs joueurs d’expérience.
La salle se remplit à capacité et Arkas prend les devants 2-0 (25-19, 25-23) dans le match. Les deux équipes offrent du jeu de qualité moyenne et le nombre d’erreurs est élevé. Le vent tourne dans le troisième set et DOB commence à s’ajuster et à trouver son rythme. Arkas commet quelques erreurs supplémentaires et DOB le remporte 25-21.

La remontée se poursuit dans le 4e set ou DOB ne commet qu’une seule erreur directe. Arkas quand à elle en commet six. DOB remporte le set 25-23. Le 5e set est serré. Les deux équipes s’échangent les points mais DOB réussit à garder le rythme et remporte le set 15-13 ainsi que le match. La déception est grande chez Arkas. Plusieurs dirigeants avaient fait le voyage pour voir l’équipe. Il faudra remporter le prochain match à domicile samedi ainsi que le ‘’golden set’’ pour passer à la ronde finale.


February 24, 2011

The Duff Blog - Accompaniment of many positive things

Follow Team Canada Men's National Team Athlete, Justin Duff!

This past season, Justin represented Canada at the 2010 FIVB World Championship in Italy. At this competition, he had one, if not the best game of his life when Canada upset Serbia! Justin actually scored the game winning point in this epic match. He is currently playing his first season of professional volleyball in Vienna, Austria.

Click here to follow his blog!

January 14, 2011

FTC Video Blog

The Women's National Full-Time Training centre commenced on Monday, January 10th in Winnipeg Manitoba. There are 5 girls currently training in the centre. One of them, Claire Hanna, has decided to document her experience in FTC as part of her journey in trying to make it to the 2012 London Olympics. Click here to see her exciting blog!

January 11, 2011

Men's National Team Blog - Fred Winters

Blogger: Fred Winters
Hometown: Vancouver, B.C
Position: Left Side
Current Location: Friedrichshafen , Germany
My mom ALWAYS told me to go with my gut. I should have listened. Being from the Pacific Northwest pre-disposed me to route for the ‘local’ teams. Before the Grizzlies, that meant the Sonics, Mariners, Canucks, Lions, and Seahawks. Of the four major sports, I know the least about football but I’m learning fast. Football is something you get hooked on and once you know what is going on and know the players you start to really enjoy the chess match. It becomes less like fat men barreling into each other, and more like uber-athletic, fearless warriors literally risking their mental health for a pay cheque. Freakin’ awesome. That brings me to the Seahawks last Saturday. I had NO reason to bet against them other than that’s what the public wanted. I had no strong allegiance to New Orleans other than a few sympathy tears because of Katrina. They have recovered from that beautifully so that’s out the window. I guess the one thing I had was doubt. There’s no way the Seahawks, at 7-9 on the season, double digit underdogs, could take out the defending super bowl champions….could there? Everything told me to bet for the Saints, except for my gut. My gut told me to bet for those hawks.
Marshawn Lynch takes it to the house
Gut check.
Best believe I’m riding those Hawks next week. Maybe I don’t think they can win, but at least it will be a nice payday if they do right? And I’m not going to second guess my gut again. Gut is king.
I had a ‘gut’ feeling we were going to win our game in Romania. Turned out I was right. One player on the opposing team thought their 3-0 defeat was so noteworthy that he decided to propose to his girlfriend after the handshakes. He probably could have done better but then again I don’t know him.

My gut feeling for our game against SCC Berlin was that the money line odds were off. They were paying out 4-1 for a win and we were sitting at 1.15. It didn’t seem right, after all, they had beaten the team we lost to already and were in first place. I guess it really is hard to play here in Friedrichshafen as we cruised to a 3-0 win. We got a couple of their starters subbed out and it was hard for them to recover. It was by far, one of our best performances of the year, and my tiny friend Michael Scutt got to watch.

Our next match is Wednesday against Trentino. Trentino is playing for pride, as they have nothing to play for. They are guaranteed a spot in the next round. We are playing for a spot and need to win but need some help from some other teams as well. We’ll see what happens. The game will be streamed live on http://www.laola1.tv/.
Ciao for now

Fred Winters
Check out the full blog at : http://suitcaselife.ca/

January 3, 2011

Women's National Team Blog - Tiffany Dodds

こんにちは、日本から!Konichiwa from Japan!
I write to you from my 10th floor apartment, in Ageo, Japan. It is a clear, sunny day & I can see Mount Fuji from my balcony. What a sight to see! I feel pretty lucky, that's for sure.

I joined my team on Nov.5, after departing from Osaka, where I played World Championships with Team Canada. It was sad to leave the team & think about another summer finished..but I was excited to start my new Pro experience in Ageo. I only got three days "off", where I was to workout, travel to IKEA & Costco to buy necessary things for my apartment, & go to the Immigration bureau to fill out paperwork for my working VISA.

The name of our team is the Ageo Medics. My teammates are super friendly, and I felt very welcomed right from the start. We have 20 players with ages ranging from 19 to 29. But with the hierarchy in Japan, the majority of the younger players only shag balls, referee or keep score during team play. The girls work hard, but also enjoy the game & the challenges in practices so I really like that. The facilities that we play & practice in here are very nice, however, they are SO COLD! They don't understand how I find it strange to warm up in a t-shirt, two long sleeves, arm sleeves, a t-shirt windbreaker, capris or sweats, knee warmers AND mitts with all my gear. They think since I'm from Canada, I live & practice in an igloo so I should be used to these temperatures. Not so much!

Currently we are 4-0 in league play, and have beat our opponents 3-0 every game. Our team placed 2nd last year, but have a lot of potential to win the league this year. We have an awesome fan club, who come to every game and even have choreographed dances. The best part is that they wear giant Mickey Mouse gloves to go with their Medics jerseys...it's so great!

Besides being in my apartment for FOUR mini earthquakes already, I have had some other not-so-traumitizing experiences in Japan so far. A few of my teammates took me to a Japanese style BBQ the other day. They insisted that I try tongue & intestines because it was "so good, so good Tiffa!!" I beg to differ. The tongue had a funky taste & the intestines were more like chewing gum that I had the privilege of tossing around for a solid 4 minutes. That's a long time when you're not enjoying it! Maybe that experience was a little traumatizing, too. I have been able to experience the Japanese trains on a couple days off here. Pretty interesting! Have had to buy new tickets after putting them through the wrong turnstiles, but it's all a learning experience right? Visited a really neat area called Shibuya, as well as the Asakusa Shrine & Sensoji Temple. Pretty amazing.

Unfortunatley we have games on Dec.25 & 26, as well as a training camp from Dec.28-Jan.2, so Christmas & New Years won't be celebrated quite like back home. Good thing for skype! My parents plan to come over here near the end of January, & my fiance, Gavin, is here right now for the remainder of the season so I'm definitely grateful for that!

So basically.......loving Japan. Loving sushi. Loving my job. Loving life.

Until next time,
Tiffany Dodds